Workplace Performance Blog
Study Guides and Strategies
Way back when I was a shiny “young” new Training Development Officer in the Canadian Armed Forces, one of my first jobs was managing e-Learning project teams AND designing e-Learning. A great site that I discovered (or may have been shown to me – it was a long time ago) was “Study Guides and Strategies.”…
A Process Model to Improve Performance
Last month I shared V10 of the Performance Improvement Process Model or PIPM. While I had started writing earlier about the differences between problems and opportunities in “Opportunities vs. Good Ideas“and needs vs. wants in “Putting the NEED in Needs Assessment,” V10 has had some significant changes! Rather than write a long post – it…
Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Ahoy, Me Hearties! This National Day sails away annually on September 19th. Yo Ho Ho bilge rats! Today is the day where you might hear people saying, “Avast ye,” “Blow me down, Bucko,” “Grog” “Hornswaggle,” and many other pirate-like phrases, because it’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day. HOW TO OBSERVE Anchor’s away! Get your…
National Day of Encouragement (USA)
A National Day of Encouragement is observed annually on September 12 in the USA, but wouldn’t it be great to do the same here in Canada? This day is dedicated to uplifting people around us and making a positive impact. The National Day of Encouragement is meant to remind all of us to do something…
Labour Day
The origins of Labour Day can be traced back to April 15, 1872, when the Toronto Trades Assembly organized Canada’s first significant demonstration for worker’s rights.
National “Work Like a Dog” Day!
My French speaking friends and colleagues often tell me that the English language is confusing. Take, for instance, these two common sayings we use in our everyday lives: “It’s a dog’s life” and “Work like a dog.” Originally, “It’s a dog’s life” referred to a “miserably unhappy existence, as in He’s been leading a dog’s life since…
“All models are wrong, some are useful.”
Part of the value consultants bring to their clients is the adaptation of “our” many models to fit client processes and language.
Improving the Performance Improvement Process Model
A brief overview of the tenth iteration of the Performance Improvement Process Model (PIPM)
Debunking bad training practices is never-ending work!
“The most current research has shown that generational differences between learners [or race or gender sic] do not in and of themselves warrant the specification of different instructional designs or the use of different learning technologies. Rather than focusing valuable energy on determining if different generations will learn more from direct instruction, e-learning, blended instruction or gaming, instructional designers should continue to work closely with subject matter experts to identify the required objectives of the curriculum.”
Employee Appreciation Day!
Employee Appreciation Day is observed annually on the first Friday in March. This day was created as a way of focusing the attention of all the employers in all industries on employee recognition. Businesses and organizations plan celebrations across the country recognizing the achievements and contributions of their employees. Employees are one of your greatest assets – regardless of…